
There is a lot of information available in the media and on the internet about human trafficking.

Below is a selection of videos and media reports about human trafficking.

For further information and links to useful websites about human trafficking please scroll down this page or click here.

Trafficking in the media

Trafficking in Persons is a global problem and so you can find news reports and campaigns about it all over the world.

Conclusion of Insan campaign

12 June 2021

The ‘Insan’ awareness campaign, launched by the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking on March 1, 2021, reached its conclusion on May 31, 2021.

Royal Oman Police

17th May 2021

A Royal Oman Police video supporting the NCCHT’s Insan campaign to tackle human trafficking in Oman.

Times of Oman

28th March 2021

A report on the work of the NCCHT in tackling human trafficking in Oman.

Insan Campaign Launch

1st March 2021

The NCCHT launches the Insan campaign to spread awareness of the crime of human trafficking.

Insan Campaign Video

1st March 2021

Video featuring well known media and sporting figures in Oman voicing their support for the Insan campaign launched by the NCCHT.

Insan Launch Speech

1st March 2021

A speech recorded for the launch of the Insan campaign by His Eminence Dr Shaikh Kahlan bin Nabhan Al Kharusi, the Assistant Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman, confirming the clear position of Islam towards preserving human rights, regardless of colour, ethnicity and belief.

Awareness Campaign

Egypt, 6th November 2020

A new campaign video against human trafficking has been launched. (Arabic with English subtitles). It’s backed by the Egypt office of IOM (The International Organisation for Migration).

Al Jazeera

19th May 2020

Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence who have been forced to leave their home countries are now facing greater risks due to the spread of coronavirus and the restrictions brought into force to fight it, according to a new study.

Oman Observer

25th August 2019

Royal Oman Police makes four arrests on charges of human trafficking.

Further Information

This section provides further information about human trafficking from Omani and international organisations, national governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs)

Oman Human Rights Commission

The Oman Human Rights Commission monitors human rights violations in the Sultanate and provides help resolving and settling complaints.

The OHRC website offers a Human Rights Guide for non-Omani workers.  

It also offers a guide on how to file reports of any human rights violation.

Oman Labour Law

Workers’ rights in Oman are protected by the Sultanate’s Labour Law. This site provides a full text of the Labour Law as published by the Ministry of Manpower.  

2020 Trafficking in Persons Report

An annual report from the United States’ State Department into human trafficking worldwide, monitoring the response to human trafficking country by country.

United States Department of Justice

The Department is responsible for law enforcement, including tackling human trafficking.

Blue Campaign

A campaign run by the United States Department of Homeland Security, with advice about how to spot the signs of human trafficking, and how to respond appropriately to suspected cases.

Stop The Traffik

An international charity seeking to combat TIP by building a global intelligence network.

Freedom United

Describing itself as the largest community in the world working against modern slavery, Freedom United is an umbrella organisation with partners in 195 countries that takes action against human trafficking round the world.


The world’s oldest pressure group dedicated to the abolition of slavery was founded in 1839. It is based in the United Kingdom, but with an international focus on combatting human trafficking in all its forms.


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

The leading inter-governmental agency working against human trafficking. Available in Arabic, English and other languages.


The Global Action against Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants – Asia and the Middle East

This is a joint initiative by the European Union and UNODC, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration implemented in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Available in Arabic, English and other languages.

Global Report on Trafficking in Persons

A wide-ranging survey of human trafficking published by the UNODC.  A regional section of the report covering North Africa and the Middle East includes information on human trafficking in Oman.


Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime

A database of case studies and international legislation published by UNODC. Available in Arabic English and other languages.

Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative

A global data hub on human trafficking.